Wind Mills

STAR TRACE�Hi-Tech Wind Turbine�makes it economically feasible to realize wind energy projects even at sites difficult to access. Our modular design�allows for convenient transport by ship and as well efficient installation�using one regular sized lifting crane.
The development of wind turbines pioneered many of the wind turbine design technologies in use today, including: steel tube towers, variable-speed generators, composite blade materials, partial-span pitch control, as well as aerodynamic, structural, and acoustic engineering design capabilities.
Hi-Tech Domestic Ranges
In STPD, We have the domestic wind mills starting from the range of 300 W to 20 KW.
Hi-Tech Wind Farms
In STPD, We have the wind farms starting from the range of 3.9MW. Star Trace is one of the leading company that can hand-hold the client to successfully to implement the wind energy project.